Sunday, 29 September 2013

Driving in Bangkok. Am I mad?

Two short bus journeys in Bangkok this weekend reminded us of the single, most important piece of advice to anyone visiting Thailand.

I can't stress just how important this piece of advice is.

Not joking, this could save your life.

If you consider only one thing before visiting Thailand, this should be it.


When a driver flashes their lights, it means STOP! DO NOT COME! I AM COMING!

In The UK (I thought everywhere), flashing your lights is a sign for you to come. It is saying I will let you go, In Thailand, it's the opposite.

You're welcome.

Anyway, should you drive in Bangkok?


This video, titled "Don't drive here" might answer your question. It's not like that everywhere in Bangkok, but it gives you an idea.

This weekend I took the bus twice, one around Lad Prao road. The driver went straight through a red light at break neck speed, with the passengers swinging all over. The bus was then greeted by an angry policeman. He stopped the bus, he and the driver had an argument. The driver then handed over what looked to be (maybe not, who knows, don't sue) two crisp 100 baht notes. The bus carried on.

My second bus journey went past Jatujak market, coming from Victory Monument. The traffic is horrendous around JJ. The cars cars were bumper to bumper. The bus was full. Yet, the driver insisted on trying to weave in and out of the cars. At one point, the bus was at a 90 degree angle, covering three lanes of traffic. We arrived at our destination no quicker than we would have if he drove straight. He did however manage to piss off at least 50 different drivers.

So, should you drive here? At your own risk!

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